Photographer Hans de Bruijn made a series of portraits of leading Dutch artists - photographed in their studio. He wanted to give the viewer a penetrating look at all the areas in which these artists spend so much time.

With no less than ninety portraits in sober black / white painters, photographers, sculptors and artists from other disciplines, most from the Netherlands and a few from Belgium. Each artist has written a short text about his or her studio. The Belgian artist Michael Borremans feels at home in the attic of his huge studio in Ghent. Jan Cremer paints different scenes in the Italian Tuscany than in Amsterdam. The workshop of the Ronald Flowers stands on the separation of the former East and West Berlin. Tjebbe Beekman, also in Berlin, is in a former Stasi building, which has not yet suffered eavesdropping equipment was set up so long. Thus, each studio's own special story.

Writer and essayist Joost Zwagerman wrote an introduction to the pictures.

With portraits of Linda Arts, David Bade, Christiaan Bastiaans, Jasper de Beijer, Barbara Broekman, Fons Brasser, Ad van Denderen, Sam Dillemans, Jeroen Eisinga, Ger van Elk, Ruud van Empel, Jan Fabre, Gijs Frieling, Scarlett Hooft Graafland , Folkert de Jong, Piet van den Boog, Jasper Krabbe, Katinka Lampe, Lucassen, Ronald Ophuis, Michael Raedecker, Anke Roder, Daan Roosegaarde, Luc Tuymans, Reinoud van Vught and Alex van Warmerdam.
The presentation of Atelier 90 portraits of artists took place on Wednesday, June 4th at the Art Fair in Amsterdam, in the presence of a number of artists portrayed in the book.